- Tel: +90 312 596 44 44 - 45
- sbbf@asbu.edu.tr
A scholar known for her migration studies especially Syrian women immigrants and urban studies in specification of slum areas.
Faculty Member of ASBU Sociology Department
“Earn money, have your own room and create spare time. And write, without thinking what the men say!" Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own
She has conducted a pioneer and prominent study on Polyamist marriages experienced by Syrian Women in Turkey and their victimhood.
Tuba Duman has graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University on a success scholarship, with a double major from Sociology and Comparative Literature Departments, and has been the top student of the Comparative Literature Department (2006). She has also studied MA in Cultural Studies Program of İstanbul Bilgi University on a success scholarship and wrote her MA thesis on “Conservatism in Şanlıurfa” (2009). She has studied her PhD in Selçuk University with her thesis on “Daily Life in Slums” (2014). She has been working on our university since 2015 in Department of sociology and continues her studies basicly on migration, Syrian migration, women studies, urbanisation and poverty. Duman speaks advanced English, intermadiate Arabic, intermediate Ottoman and basic Norwegian.
Migration, Syrian migration, Women studies, Urbanisation and poverty.
• Introduction to Sociology I & II
• Social Structure and Change
• Sociology of Gender
• Research Methods in Sociology
• Media, Communication and Popular Culture
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