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Sociology Research Project Course Seminar (Fall 2024 Semester) to be Held

The Sociology Seminar (Fall 2024 Semester) Student Presentations will take place on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, between 10:00 AM and 2:30 PM in the Oval Office of the Sümerbank Building.
As part of the seminar, students from our department who are part of the study group formed under the “Research Project in Sociology” course led by our faculty member, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Köşer Akçapar, will present their work.

Dr. Erdem Kayserilioğlu's Presentation on Turkey's Humanitarian Aid Politics in Somalia

On November 8th, Dr. Erdem Kayserilioğlu delivered an insightful presentation titled "Turkey's Aid Politics in Somalia: A Sociological Analysis of An Emerging Country's Humanitarianism" at Sezai Karakoç Hall. The event, which began at 14:00, attracted sociology students, faculty members, and students from various other departments, fostering a rich environment for interdisciplinary discussion.

Substance Addiction Panel Held

The Substance Addiction Panel, organized by the ASBU Addiction Prevention Coordination, was successfully held on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.

The panel featured presentations by Clinical Psychologist Berfin Kaya Ulusoy, Assoc. Prof. Şafak Yalçın Şahiner, Prof. Sutay Yavuz, and Dr. Burak Boz. The event addressed the psychological, sociological, and legal dimensions of substance addiction and dependency.

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