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Sociology as a scientific discipline deals with almost everything about society. Sociology, which has a very broad field of study including family, religion, music, economy, education, working life, political activities, communication, health,and crime, scientifically explores the interaction of people with each other and society in social life through scientific methods. The most important element that makes sociology a scientific discipline is the necessity to stay in a certain methodology while examining the topics covering a very wide area.


ASBU Department of Sociology aims to provide students with strong theoretical knowledge and research skills.




In line with ASBU's mission of being a research oriented university, our department offers highly qualified and world-class undergraduate and graduate programs of which language of instruction is English.The programs offered in our department are as follows:


• Sociology Undergraduate Program

• Master of Science in Applied Social Research (with thesis)


The curriculum of the Department of Sociology of ASBU is enriched with elective courses from other departmentswith a multidisciplinary approach.


We aim to enable our graduates to express themselves successfully on international platforms. Students have the opportunity to learn a second foreign languagesuch as German, Spanish, French, Italian, Arabic, Persian, Armenian, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.


A bachelor’s degree curriculum and teaching methods are in place to ensure that our undergraduate graduates will be admitted to graduate education in the leading reputable universities of our country and the world.


Our education is carried out by using latest and up-to-date technology support in an environment based on mutual interaction through field research.


Our undergraduate and graduate curricula have been prepared by meeting the requirements of the Bologna process.


Academic Staff


We have internationally recognized academicians who publish research in reputable international scientific journals, and they have diverse project and consulting experience. Our faculty members who have been received many prestigious awards completed their masters and doctorates in leading research universities from different parts of the world.




We aim to provide our undergraduate and graduate students with the opportunity to participate in research projects carried out by faculty members, togainresearch experienceand to increase theirintellectual knowledge.


We are located at the very heart of our country’s capital, and at the historical places where our republic has established. We are working to understand the needs of the society and contribute to the elimination of those needs through the researches and the educational programs that we offer.




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