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Prof. Dr. Sutay Yavuz Delivered a Keynote Speech on Family Strengthening and Fertility

At the symposium titled "Strengthening Families and Dynamic Population Structure," organized by the United Nations Population Fund (Turkey) and the Ministry of Family and Social Services with the participation of Minister Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, Prof. Dr. Sutay Yavuz served as a panelist.
In the panel session on "Policies, Legislative Changes, and Practices Needed to Strengthen Families and Increase Birth Rates," Prof. Dr. Sutay Yavuz delivered a presentation titled "Strengthening Families and Supporting Fertility Within the Framework of Sustainable Development Goals."

Our Department's Participation in the 6th International Resilience Congress

Our department participated in the 6th International Resilience Congress, organized by the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (TBB). Prof. Dr. Sutay Yavuz and research assistant Ozan Çetiner presented their study titled "Resilience Perception of Individuals in Türkiye: A Study Based on World Risk Poll Data". The presentation provided an in-depth analysis of resilience perceptions using data from the World Risk Poll.

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